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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2021 » Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (78) 2021 » Paradigm of passive constructions in the Ukrainian translation of the Bible by Filaret (Mykhailo Denysenko)

Paradigm of passive constructions in the Ukrainian translation of the Bible by Filaret (Mykhailo Denysenko)

Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (78) 2021
UDC 811.161.2’366.573’367.4:27-23

Оlena Lavrinets, Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
2 Skovoroda St., Kyiv 04655, Ukraine

E-mail: lavrinets@ukma.edu.ua

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This paper investigates how passive constructions are used in Filaret’s translation of the Bible from Standard Russian (Russian Synod’s translation, 2002) into Ukrainian, not from biblical languages, e.g., Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. It specifically argues the nuclear position of the Ukrainian passive constructions paradigm formed by passive constructions with predicative participles in -nyi, -tyi, circumnuclear position of constructions with predicative forms in -no, -to, and peripheral position of constructions with passive verbs in -sia.

Ranking of passive constructions with predicative participles over constructions with forms in -no, -to neutralizes syntactical peculiarities of Ukrainian, i.e., a focus on predicativity in finite verb forms and forms in -no, -to. The peripheral status of passive verbs in -sia shows a positive tendency for Filaret’s translation of the Holy Writ to distance from the Russian translation succeeded to passive constructions with predicative participles from Old Church Slavonic. The Ukrainian translation is often marked by active constructions (a mononuclear or two-member sentence) which are the authentical feature of the Ukrainian syntax. Simultaneous synonymous
usage of active and passive constructions, particularly in the same environments, however, is largely triggered by a lack of distinction between syntactical peculiarities of Ukrainian and Russian, and, therefore, provides a syntactical variety. In the Ukrainian translation, usage of active constructions and different types of passive forms almost always intersects with the Russian Synod’s version.

Keywords: Ukrainian translation of the Bible, paradigm of passive constructions, constructions with predicative forms in -no, -tо, constructions with predicative participles in -nyi, -tyj, sentences with passive verbs in -sia.

БРП — Bible. Books of the Holy Writ of the Old and New Testaments: In Russian translation with parallel passages and appendices. (2002). Moscow: Rossiyskoe Bibleyskoe Obshchestvo (in Russian).
БУП — Bible. Books of the Holy Writ of the Old and New Testaments: In Ukrainian translation with parallel passages and appendices (Patriarkh Filaret (Denysenko), Trans.). (2004).
Kyiv: Vydannia Kyivskoi Patriarkhii Ukrainskoi Pravoslavnoi Tserkvy Kyіvskoho Patriarkhatu (in Ukrainian).


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