Abstract: This article analyzes the direction of the Department of Scientific Terminology of the Institute of
the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine within the last 30 years. It reviews theoretical studies in systemic-structural terminology, the methodological dominant in scientific terminology for a long period. In particular, the authors focus on onomasiological, semasiological, and historical-genetic studies presented in monographs. The paper highlights cross-paradigmatic research done on the intersection of structural and functional branches of terminological studies. An excursus marks the scientific research areas in cognitive/epistemological terminology and shows the peculiarities of the applied branch in the field of terminography alongside background information and didactic work. There are different types of terminological dictionaries compiled and edited in the Department for various purposes. During 1991–2021,
explanatory, translational, and nongraphic dictionaries were created in the Department. An important aspect of the applied terminology is writing references and educational books. It is emphasized that the previous terminological studies’ vector correlates with the vector of modern researches accomplished by the specialists of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language.
Keywords: scientific terminology, systemic-structural terminology, cross-paradigmatic and structural-functional terminology, cognitive/epistemological terminology, translation, explanatory and non-
gra phicterminography