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» The history of the terms affix and prefix in the Ukrainian language

The history of the terms affix and prefix in the Ukrainian language

The history of the terms affix and prefix in the Ukrainian language
UDC 811.161.2’373:81

Iryna Synytsia, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Senior researcher, Senior researcher in the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhaіlo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

Е-mail: isynytsa@ukr.net

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article attempts to argue for the separation of historiographical and historical-terminological directions of scientific research within the framework of Ukrainian historical terminology. This article is a sample of historical and terminological works. The source base of the research is the grammars of the Ukrainian language, scientific works on various linguistic issues. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of formation of terms for affixal morphemes in Ukrainian scientific texts, primarily grammars, dictionaries, textbooks, and scientific publications. The immediate subject of analysis were the terms called linguistic units, which, thanks to their functional capabilities, became basic for word formation, morphemics and grammar in general, namely the terms affix and prefix in their diachronic-synchronic dimension. The author systematized the results of studying Ukrainian scientific sources of the 16th –  20th centuries from the point of view of the function of term names to indicate affixes and prefixes. The analysis revealed that the term affix in the Ukrainian language was represented by the terms додатки and доданки. The lexical-semantic and accentual variants of the term prefix at different stages of language development were as follows: предлогъ, приста́вка, при́ставка, чѧстка, нарост, припона, препона, приросток. The article traces the history of the formation of the terms affix and prefix in the Ukrainian language, recorded and confirmed the use of this or that term in the idiolect of a particular scientist. It is confirmed that the term affix was used for the first time by Petro Zalozny in the “Short Grammar of the Ukrainian Language” in 1906. The term prefix, written in Latin, was first used by Omelyan Ogonovskyi in his grammar in 1889, and by Ivan Verkhratskyi in 1892. The term prefix, written in Cyrillic in Ukrainian orthography, functions in Yevgeny Tymchenko’s grammar of 1907. The history of the development of certain terms is a fragment that illustrates the development of Ukrainian scientific thought.

Keywords: historical terminology, terminology of word formation, history of terms, affix, prefix.


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