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» Nicknames with the Kyiv toponymic component in the Ukrainian-language segment of the social network “X”

Nicknames with the Kyiv toponymic component in the Ukrainian-language segment of the social network “X”

Nicknames with the Kyiv toponymic component in the Ukrainian-language segment of the social network “X”
UDC 811.161.2’37

Yuliia Tsyhvintseva, PhD in Philology, Junior Researcher in the Department of Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural-Mathematical Linguistics
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhaіlo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

Е-mail: julivoznuk@gmail.com

Heading: Young Scholars Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the distinctive characteristics of the functioning of nicknames in the Ukrainian-language segment of the social network “X”. The author describes different terms for the studied units in the Ukrainian scientific discourse, focusing on various approaches to understanding the nature of nicknames.

The 358 units with the toponymic component Kyiv, the derived adjectives kyivskyi, kyivska, and kyivske, and the adverb po-kyivsky have been classified according to the semantics of the key component and the main reasons for self-naming.

The text gives valuable information on the formal and semantic structure of nicknames. Particular attention focused on the effects of language play, ironic self-names, and precedent units as the basis for the formation of nicknames semantics. The analysis of the material allowed for the identification of specific groups of lexemes from the passive vocabulary employed by speakers to construct expressive and expressive virtual names.

It is concluded that virtual reality influences the selection of linguistic means for self-presentation of social media users in a nickname. It is emphasized that the analysed nicknames show the richness of Ukrainian vocabulary, reflect the active vocabulary of modern Ukrainians-users of the social network “X”, their speech behaviour, are filled with individual meaning, which, however, is not detached from linguistic and social reality, which makes the language of social networks in general and nicknames in particular an interesting subject of linguistic research.

Keywords: Internet communication, social network, self-presentation, onym, toponym, pseudonym, nickname, toponymic component, precedent text (name).


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