Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (63) 2017
UDC 81’373.21
Svyatoslav Verbych
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01001, Ukraine, Kyiv, 4 Grushevsky st.
Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the names of the Podіlsk settlement Бодачівка, Доброгоща, Лодиринці, Молохів, Скваржище, Ярополкове, they existed in XV – XVII centuries. Beyond these the oikonym is unknown. Derivational structure of these names are studied, the motivational semantics of their word-forming stem restored. The disappearance of given names with oikonym map of Ukraine is connected with extralinguistic factors, primarily with the attacks of Tatars in Podolia, where the Kuchmansky way led from the steppe to the Volyn and the Carpathians. The attack of the Tatar troops was the main cause of the depopulation of some settlements in the region, this was the reason for their disappearance. In the next century there are no references to these names in the pages of the documents. Unfortunately, today the registry missing names is absent in Ukraine. This encourages researchers to actively search for such names in historical sources. Because each oikonym is a significant part of historical-cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people and interesting object for onomastic research.
Keywords: oikonym, oikonym space, names that have disappeared from the oikonym map of Ukraine.
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