Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (64) 2017
UDC 81’373.612:81’366.547:82-2=161.2
Holichenko Maryana
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Science of Ukraine
01001, Ukraine, Kyiv, 4 Grushevsky st.
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Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The basic research aspects of the dramatic language in Ukrainian linguistics have been determined in the article. Despite the fact that the study of language in works of drama has its own history, it is represented by a narrower thematic range of explorations compared with the research of the language of poetry and prose.
The use of vocative structures has been analyzed in the dramatic works of V. Vynnychenko, M. Kulish, I. Kocherga, Y. Mamontov, M. Zarudny, O. Kolomiets, O. Korniychuk, M. Stelmakh − the representatives of the XX century, for it is significantly different from the use of similar structures in the Ukrainian classical drama.
Three most common groups of vocative sentences have been singled out and described. Vocative sentences with an emotive function convey the following emotional responses of the speaker to the interlocutor’s conduct: the joy of meeting, a friendly attitude to someone, threat, discontent, anger, irritation, fear, panic, despair, sorrow, regret, reproach, anxiety, excitement, gratitude, ironic attitude to something or somebody.
Vocative structures with appellative function are used to call somebody, to greet somebody, to warn, to make interested, to call a response, to instruct, to get an answer, to inform, to welcome. The main purpose of vocative sentences with voluntative function is to call to do something, to order to do something, to ask for something, to ban something.
Diverse lexical and semantic content of the main component for the vocative structures has been found due to variety of themes in works of drama in the XX century where different types of situations were depicted, starting from family conversations up to political communication.
Keywords: vocative sentence, vocative, the main component of a voсative sentence, an addressee of the speech, appellative function, emotive function, voluntative function.
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