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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2021 » Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (78) 2021 » Polysyndeton in Ukrainian poetry language of the second half of the 20th — begining of the 21st century: Typological characteristics and functional load

Polysyndeton in Ukrainian poetry language of the second half of the 20th — begining of the 21st century: Typological characteristics and functional load

Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (78) 2021
UDC 81'38:81'374:82-1

Olesia Tieliezhkina, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Language Training, Pedagogy and Psychology, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
17 Marshal Bazhanov St., Kharkiv 61002, Ukraine

E-mail: o_tele_o@ukr.net

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Polysyndeton may be seen as not developed properly in the Ukrainian linguistic style, although it has been vastly applied in the language of poetry of Ukrainian artists in the second half of the 20th — beginning of the 21st century. The aim of this article is to reinterpret polysyndeton as a stylistic figure based on the rhythmic repetition of the same conjunctions, prepositions, and par ticles which help to achieve a harmonious structure of the poetic text.

Rich data collected have allowed distinguishing varieties of polysyndeton due to the following criteria: 1) word class membership of a repeated unit, e.g., conjunctive, prepositional, and partial; 2) placement in contact, e.g., contact, distant; 3) the nature of ‘grammatical registration’ (for sentences of different grammatical structure). Moreover, all varieties of expressive means of a language are significant for the formation of the linguistic units of the poem: they perform pictorial and compositional functions and functions of accentuation, metaphorisation, the actualization of the emotional component of the expressed and harmonious organization of poetic text’s space. This indicates the multifunctionality of polysyndeton as a stylistic figure which contributes to the harmonization of a language and poetic narrative.

Keywords: stylistic syntax, language and poetic narrative, multifunctionality, polysyndeton.

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