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  • Print ISSN 1682-3540
  • e-ISSN 2707-5249
» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №4 (72) 2019

Journal Ukrainian Language – №4 (72) 2019

Journal Ukrainian Language – №4 (72) 2019
Print ISSN 1682-3540
e-ISSN 2707-5249
Subscription index 23920


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Institute of Ukrainian Language of NAS


Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific journal Ukrainian Language is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as print media (Certificate: Series КВ № 12180 – 1064 ПР of January 12, 2007).

Included in the list of printed scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (Order of MES of Ukraine no528 from 12.05.2015)

Back side of the journal

Journal Ukrainian Language – №4 (72) 2019

Editorial board

Editor-in-Chief: Pavlo Hrytsenko
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Kateryna Horodenska
Assistant editor: Oksana Yatsevska

Petro Bilousenko
Anhelina Hanzha
Kateryna Hlukhovtseva
Iryna Hnatiuk
Nina Horholiuk
Vasyl Greshchuk
Andrii Danylenko
Svitlana Yermolenko
Yevheniia Karpilovska
Hanna Martynova
Viktor Moisiienko
Ivan Sabadosh
Skab Marian
Svitlana Sokolova
Mykola Stepanenko
Feliks Chyzhevskyi
Mariia Chizhmarova
Mykola Shtets
Viktor Shulhach


S.Ya. Yermolenko
Shevchenko’s word vs Kulish’s word: sources of national identity
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):3 – 13 • AbstractPDF

P.Yu. Hrytsenko, H.S. Kobyrynka, M.M. Tkachuk
The Database of the Slavic Linguistic Atlas and the Ukrainian Dialectal Space
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):14 – 31 • AbstractPDF

M.І. Stepanenko
Dynamic processes in periphrasis in 2018 – 2019
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):32 – 46 • AbstractPDF

Р.І. Bilousenko
Eñòú èçâhñòhoe xóäoæeñòâo áëãω è ãëàòè è ïèñàòè oó÷àùee
Grammar of M. Smotrytskyi 400 years
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):47 – 56 • AbstractPDF

I.D. Farion
Meletii Smotrytskyi: languare and wordlviev hybridism?
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):57 – 69 • AbstractPDF

H.M. Naienko
Gramma Books оf Lawrentii Zyzanii аnd Meletii Smotrytskyi іn the сontext оf scientific texts оf the Middle Ukrainian Period
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):70 – 83 • AbstractPDF

I.A. Yaroshevych
Unintermitted part of Language in Meletii Smotritskyiʼs “Grammar”: a conceptual-terminological aspect
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):84 – 89 • AbstractPDF

О.M. Danylevska
Рarameters of analysis of the language situation in the field of school education in Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):90 – 104 • AbstractPDF

O.І. Vasetska
Оn authorial term
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):105 – 111 • AbstractPDF

A.S. Petrenko
Terminological specification of basic concepts of precedentity
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):112 – 121 • AbstractPDF


L.T. Masenko
New findings in Shevelov studies
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):122 – 127 • ContributorsPDF

K.H. Horodenska
Ukrainian linguodidactic terminology and present professional discourse
Review of: Omelchuk, S. (2019). Modern Ukrainian linguistic didactics: terminological norms and speech practice of specialists. Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):128 – 132 • ContributorsPDF

N.M. Kostusiak, O.G. Mezhov
System-structural organization of the morphological level of modern Ukrainian literary language: functional and category survey
Review of: Vychovanets, I.R., Нorodenska, K.Н., Zahnitko, A.P., Sokolova, S.O. (2017). The grammar of modern Ukrainian language. Morphology. Kyiv: Dmitry Burago Publishing House
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):133 – 140 • ContributorsPDF

G.М. Yavorska
Sociolinguistic portrait of the Ukrainian school
Review of: Danylevska О.М. (2019). Ukrainian language in the Ukrainian school at the beginning of the 21st century: sociolinguistic essays. Kyiv: “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” Publishing House
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):141 – 146 • ContributorsPDF


O.G. Ruda
«The Internet generation»
IV International scientific conference in the cycle Sociolinguistic approach to Slavonic languages of the Commission for Sociolinguistics of the International Committee of Slavists
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):147 – 152 • ContributorsPDF

M.S. Skab, A.A. Kovtun
IV International conference “Ukrainian Language and sacred sphere”
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):153 – 158 • ContributorsPDF


I.S. Hnatiuk
Summoned by the word
In the loving memori of V.V. Zhaivoronоk (07.11.1941 – 12.08.2019)
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):159 – 163 • Contributors


L.Р. Kysliuk
Topics of theses approved by the scientific council «Ukrainian Language» NAS of Ukraine in 2019
Language: Ukrainian • Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):164 – 165 • Contributors


Language: Ukrainian
Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72):170